Reflections on Preaching Noah’s Story Cross-Culturally

I recently completed a 2-part message (or series) on the story of Noah and the Flood from Genesis 6-10 at TriEak Parmeshwar Mandali (TPM), the Nepali-speaking church that I pastor in the Chicago area. I am posting some of my reflections here (in the form of links to blog articles) as they become available.  While these reflections may have broader value, the particular context in which I preached was among Bhutanese-Nepali refugees, mostly from Hindu backgrounds with little or no Biblical background.

PART 1: Communicating the Concept of Corruption

PART 2: Making the Text Come Alive

PART 3: Faith and God’s Patience

PART 4: How does the Story Sound to Them?

PART 5: Applying Biblical Narratives