For me, Capetown 2010 was a foretaste of Heaven. Upon returning home to my wife and church, I stated that if Heaven was anything like the Lausanne Congress, i am more than anxious to get there! And, most certainly, “eye has not seen, nor ear heard what God has prepared for those who love him.”
The musical worship was extraordinary, in both contemporary and traditional forms. The teaching was extraordinary. The fellowship was warm and wonderful. Meeting ministers, both male and female, from over 198 countries, was delightful, challenging and many connections were made across the globe.
Although American, I have Romanian roots, thus, meeting Romanians of various faiths and denominations from Romania, Serbic, Moldova, Ukraine, and Switzerland was exciting. Among them were Baptists and Pentecostals, one Episcopalan (there’s no Episcopalean church in Romania), several Orthodox priests, and one (Christ) Cathlic priest (from Switzerland). What grand fellowship, challenging discussions, such agreement on the centrality of Christ and the challenge of world evangelization.
My “desk partners” were a God-send: two Indians, one Philippino, one Belgian, and two Americans. When we had the day off for touring, I missed not being with them first thing in the morning. They became family.
Perhaps coming to Christ, and marrying my wife, are the only events in my life that compared to Capetown 2010. I am completely sold and onboard with the Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization. Having an opportunity to share with my church family, pastors and ministers, will hopefully bring a complete church connection with this Godly movement!
I’d like to hear your stories.
The unbelievable logistcs of organizing and planning such a Congress must have been monumental.