My Table Group

It was a privilege to meet my small group this afternoon, four out of the five were there today, let me tell you a little about them:

  • Alexis works in the Honduras with a Christian charity linking between local communities, churches, NGOs and the government.
  • Cynthia is a GP in Canada who has a real heart to minister to patients but also a big passion for young adults.
  • Daniel runs a ministry in Serbia which started just before the civil war in the former Yugoslavia – he now has responsibility for four churches, a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts and works heavily with the homeless.
  • Greg is President of a large mission agency in America with over 900 missionaries in nearly 100 countries.

Daniel also gave amazing testimony of his son being born with cancer to the kidneys, and after one was taken out, the second time his son was anointed with oil by his church elders his son was miraculously healed.  Even more amazing was hearing how someone he’d never met before knocked on the door, asked to hold Daniel’s son and they said he knew he’d had cancer but he is now healed, when asked where they could get hold of him, the man replied he was just passing through so they wouldn’t be able to get back in touch – Daniel strongly believes that man was an angel.  His son is now in his early twenties and married – praise God!