
Two dots and waiting…

Three points and there’s a trend.

Is it Eden, Easter and Eschaton

or Christmas, Crucifix and Church?

Hark back to great meetings of minds (and men)

of unity and division in councils true

and councils false

about Christ, the Creeds, the one Holy Church.


Jerusalem – point one on which we agree.

The Acts of the Apostles opened the Way

for those not deemed Jewish

            like me.

Three more points along the Way

Great moments in Nicaea, Constantinople, Ephesus, I’m not sure,

            these are things of long ago,

                        looking back through a glass, darkly.


Onwards Christian to Chalcedon, Constantinople three and four,

and back to Nicaea to what end?

For Rome, to the Laterans, the Lyons

and Vatican II.

Then there’s Constantinople four and five

for an Orthodox take, and yet still, others seek

the fundamentals alone, of Jesus, the Bible,

God and me.


Among the squiggles of history and struggles of life,

there be Edinburgh one, in nineteen-ten

and Lausanne one and two,

and now, number three (three points – a trend).

We stand on the giants of the faithful past and pray,

Lord, author of life and lover of concord

bring all things to completion

in Him who completes all things everywhere.  Continuity