Apologetics in Brazil

Hi. I am a Christian and I feel a bit upset because here in my country – Brazil -Apologetics Ministry is very weak –  there are only few people and Organisations which develop this kind of ministry here and they are to criticized for that. Unfortunately, some leading evangelical figures have taught that there is no need for Apologetics because Jesus and the Bible do not need anyone to defend them. So, because of this distorted view most of the new generation leaders in this country follow this kind of teaching influenced by these ’leading’ figures. However, being involved with Academic life I have noticed that many teachers are thirsty for God. For example, I had an atheist Politics Philosophy teacher who used to stop the class to hear my points of view about God, Jesus, History of church and so on and it happened in a very secular University and he used to do this not for mocking the message of the Gospel or to ridicule me in front of my classmates, but he really was interested in hearing those issues. Because of that, and many other experiences, I am sure that we need more prepared people in Apologetics in my country, but because of some ’influential’ leaders and Ministries not many people have taken Apologetics as something serious for the Brazilian Church as a whole. We are living in a Post-Modernist world where truth is not seen as absolute at all and Christian Cosmo-vision is not acceptable for most people. So, I pray to God that He could raise a new generation of Apologists in my country who are able to see that thousands of people in Universities, schools  – mainly young people and some teachers – and also in churches themselves are willing to hear God’s Word in a plausible and convincing way. But, we need not to accept this twisted hermeneutics view that has been taught that: “there is no need for Apologetics and also Systematic Theology in a Post-Modern society”.