In this second episode of the radio series “Down to Earth” we focus on “children at risk”.
Using the radio networks in Africa, we as a number of partner ministries engage leaders into the Global Conversation through radio.
Please listen to the attached radio programme on an issue which is so critical in Africa, and for the Church in Africa:
“Children at risk” are facing many harsh challenges, particularly here in Africa. However, children are very much on the heart of God. What role should the church play in transforming the lives of children? Unfortunately there are many obstacles that hinder the church in really serving children.
We will be addressing how the church can respond in a relevant way for children at risk and hearing of a community that was transformed when children were helped.
We want to hear your recommendation:
‘What is the greatest need amongst church leaders to enable them to address the children at risk?’
- click on the audio file to listen to the whole programme.
- View the attached manuscript as PDF file
Please let us know what you think.