God’s attitude towards the people outside the church

God’s attitude towards the people outside the church is that He loves every human being and has no favorites. What will happen If  I go into a shell, if I close my mind in some philosophy of a Christian life, if I live my life under a glass bell, if I can not stretch my arm to my neighbor so that I would not get dirty.

No, I do not want that. I am the one whom God sends to people, every one of us God sends to people, because He cares for every human being.

Because if someone haven’t stretched his arm to me, I wouldn’t be here today. Someone in the past has told me about Jesus Christ…that He is the One who can change my life.

I grew up in an unbelieving family, in home where we could not even mention the Bible.

They didn’t live their lives how a Christian family lives. But someone came into my life and those people told me that Jesus Christ is the solution for my life. I didn’t understand that at the time, I didn’t accept that with my whole heart, but God has worked in my heart and changes started to happen. I have invited Christ into my life. I started realizing how wonderful He is to me.


I encourage you, dear brothers and sisters, that what God has given you, what you have…that doesn’t have to be something material… I know that we live in such a time where we do not have enough, it is not overflowing in material things, but out of us Christ’s love can overflow! We can say: God loves you! I love you!…I have come to see you…just to have a coffee together…we can talk of all kinds of things, about sport, about fishing, whatever, just so that we can let them know that they are important, that they mean something to us.

And my neighbor might start thinking, who is this man who is coming to visit me, and is not my close relative, I do not know him from my work, he is a stranger, and he is coming to spend some time with me. That is very powerful!

Volonteir-Dunja and I are visiting people. We go to people whom we do not know. Many times we do not know how our visit will look like, but we say: „God, our prayer to you is that we might be able to give to others what we have received from you. We just do not want to be silent…

We do not want to keep it to ourselves…like it is ours, but to give it away.” It doesn’t cost anything, to share loving words.


If we among ourselves as a Church, as Christ’s Bride if we do not notice, if we do not heal wounds among ourselves, how the world will recognize that we belong to Him because it is written in the Bible that if one part of the body suffers that the whole body suffer. Jesus said: „…all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another“. If we do not have love for each other, if we do not forgive each other…if we look at other people with prejudice… “I have told him so many times and he didn’t turn away“. Everyone has a right to his own way of looking at Jesus Christ. Everyone has a right to choose his own path. My path to God was different then Pista`s. Pista has (I hope that you do not mind taking you as an example) different circumstances in his own life, and I have different circumstances in my life. We can agree about all the important doctrines but about other things we have different life experiences. His experiences and mine are different.

I can not demand from Pista to be like me, but I can pray for him to have fellowship with God, for him to recognize the times when he doesn’t have this fellowship. I can pray for people, for people who are not here anymore. Simply what I have realized is that I am giving most of my time into going to people whom I do not know, to strangers, and it is written in Galatians 6:10: „Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.“

Sometimes that is really hard, but I am challenging you dear brothers and sisters to let God work through us. In the first place we need to stand in front of God and we need to recognize where we are week and in what areas we often fail, because God can use only clean vessels. When I realized where I stand, when I saw my sin, when I realized what my sin was, I surrendered it to God. I said: God I’m so sorry, please forgive me…I am sorry, such a log time has passed and I didn’t notice, I wasted so much time.

And that is why when I think about this last year, when I look back…Klara, my wife, has said thousand visits…I do not know…is that thousand people, because relatives were also there, but thousand visits in one year.

What I have seen in the last month is big changes. God is showing me so much. Miracles are happening in front of my eyes. Miracles! Those spiritual awakening, no just in patients who are in desperate condition, but in their family members…God gave me all that to see with my own eyes, that what I have been praying for. While visiting people in Temerin and Backi Jarak I pray that in those first steps in their new life they can always make one more step forward. I am challenging you brothers and sisters…