Church Free or Fearful?

My main point was and is why church is so weak in third world countries? And now I can add are these 3rd world so poor and undeveloped because church is weak here?

When I was working with a Christian organization doing the work of evangelism, I used to think where these new born people coming from non-Christian backgrounds will go? As first church is afraid to welcome these new Christians. Second they are full with nominal Christians who are making this place not a copy of first century church what new Christians saw in bible and are looking for now in these churches. Some of them were hurt so badly that they were in a worst situation after going into these churches.  

Truth is third world church lives in a constant fear for their lives and tries to conform to the pressures around to live in peace with people around. This shows a lack of trust on God.

I have seen that trust is the joining element in a relationship. Christianity also is not a religion but a relationship with our creator, king, father and husband. Until and unless we understand this and start trusting Him and I mean not the wrong image of God, which is breaking first and second commandment in ten commandments and the first half of the biggest commandment our Lord Jesus gave. We cannot love Him until we trust Him.

We keep asking world to give us freedom while we are free. We are people of His Kingdom but we want earthly kingdoms to give us our rights and so on. We as a whole will have to change our mentality and worldview.