2010 Christocentric Dashain / Navratri Prayer Book

Just completed, here is our Dashain prayer book. The book will serve as a helpful guide to Nepalis who are seeking to follow the Lord Shri Jesus in a contexual way.  The attached PDF is free for anyone to use in their communities.  It includes both Nepali and English translations, a daily prayer/devotional guide for the nine days of Navaratri, and several Christocentric Mantras in Sanskrit.  For assistance in learning the included mantras, you may use the video demonstrations we’ve provided here at the Lausanne Global Conversation:



Please see attached PDF for book. It is full color and intended for double-sided printing.


(Note: We’ve also added a PDF of labels that we’ll be using. The labels are set up for Avery 5260 or 5160. We apply these labels to the small plastic bags in which we place the “tika” for distribution to the community. This helps to ensure a Christocentric focus during Dashain.  There is also a “Jesus & Holy Spirit” label in the same format.)

(Note: I’ve included an order of service for our Bijaya Dashami service. Pretty meaningless to most. I’m including it here so that it is available online to those who do need it.)