Brief Update from the North American Diaspora Missiology Educators Consultation

Last week, I had the blessing to be a part of the North American Diaspora Missiology Educators Consultation.  Drs. Sadiri Joy Tira, Enoch Wan, and Grant McClung did an excellent job leading the time in Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. 

I share this information with you, so that you will have a brief glimpse of what is happening in preparation for Cape Town.  For there is momentum in North America on the topic of Diaspora Missiology that is presently taking place and will continue (Lord willing) after Cape Town 2010. 

The objectives of our meeting included the following:

1) Enhance our understanding of Diaspora Missiology as an emerging field of study and ministry strategy

2) Engage in scholarly dialogue on Diaspora Missiology and its educational implications

3) Engender regional cooperation in anticipation for Cape Town 2010 when Diaspora Missiology will be a feature on the program

We were provided a preview of what will be presented at Cape Town on this topic.  I believe that you will be pleased.  Stay tuned. 

Dr. Tira, Senior Associate for Diasporas, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, has a great global vision related to this topic.  I also greatly appreciate that while it would be easy for many of us engaged in diaspora issues to lose focus, Dr. Tira is keeping us grounded in our Lord’s Great Commission. 

Again, stay tuned.