Missionary in BiH

Dear Antoine,

The subject of unity has been on God’s heart since He inspired the first sentece of Genesis and it has remained throughout the ages uppermost on His heart.

I have spent years studying and writing on this topid and I live and minister in a nation that is also torn apart by enthinic divisions.

When you asked these two questions in your paprer you struck a true note of concern.

“Are our churches and denominations setting the model for brotherly love?” and,

“Aren;t rather exascerbating the divisionssn?”

God created us in His image, an image of unity and oneness, modeled for us by the Holy Trinity.

Jesus, as His ministry on earth neared its ind, prayed for us in John 17: 20:ff and He prayed, even pleaded, for unity and oneness.

We, and only we, acting as the body of His Church, can provide the answer to His prayer.

Words that we speak are only tools.  After all of the words of the Conference have been spoken and relegated to the archives I pray that this Jesus will be left standing, together with a burning desire, a hunger and thirst, on the part of the delegates to draw together in groups of two or three, In this Jesus name for intimate fellowship in His Holy presence and in His glory as He advises us to do in Matthew 18: 20.

I would like to humbly suggest a 10 minute excercise  to precede your main session where you have all of the delegates present stand and face one other delegate and then ask each other two questions;

First, when and how did Jesus first become real to you?, and

Secon, what impact does Jesus have on your life today?

As you start your opening remarks I would respectfully suggest that you answer the same two questions for the delegates now seated.

Thank you Antoine for your courageous ministry of reconciliation.

Prayerfully and humbly submitted,

Max Crittenden, Bosnia and Herzegovina