The meeting was powerful and at the moment of the altar call almost everyone stood up and came forward. The pastor and a rogue evangelist from Guatemala were praying for the people moved by God. A Muslim woman came up front with fear in her eyes. Enrique the evangelist seeing how the fear in the woman’s eyes said something that went like this “GOD is like Chocolate…”, the pastor who invited Enrique overheard his sacrilegious assessment, his jaw dropped as his eyes pierced him with unbelief. The pastor could not belief his ears, Enrique could not have said that God was like CHOOCOLATE.
Disregarding completely what the Pastor could think Enrique continued counseling the young woman. He said “You can know a lot about chocolate and know nothing about chocolate at all, you can know it’s made partly of milk, cocoa bean and sugar. You can know its texture, its soft and creamy. You can know it’s sweet and bitter. But if you have never tasted chocolate you do not know what chocolate is… It’s the same with God, it doesn’t matter how much you know about God until you experience Him you don’t know him. And like chocolate you can try and see if you like it”. The woman nodded, thanked Enrique and went her way. Afterwards, the pastor told him he was not ok with using chocolate as mean to understand God. Some men have come to a place where they know better than to defend themselves, so Enrique took the reprimand silently.
At about five in the morning there was someone knocking at the door at the pastor`s house. He came down and there was the young woman from the day before, She said “I would like to try the chocolate”. She was ready to receive Jesus in her heart, and she did.
I have had the pleasure of Traveling with Enrique Escobar mostly in my two countries Colombia and Venezuela. I have seen him preaching in meetings with large and small crowds in hotels, churches and companies. He never asks for an offering but relies completely in God to support him, a lot like George Muller or Rees Howells. Miracles and wonders follow him and with just hugging people they are healed from physical illness. I have seen the word of God come to life in his life and he has inspired me to try the chocolate myself. To experience God in a personal and powerful way, to trust God in every area of my life and trust He will take care of me.
With him I have witnessed such wondrous movement of the Spirit of God in such an easy manner, with no shouting or protocol at all, and even outside the church setting that it has made me come to the conclusion that… God is simply powerfull and powerfully simple.
Therefore, we should understand that there is nothing more powerful than power itself outside of methods or strategies or any other human clutch that makes us trust our machinery more than we trust God. I’m not against methods or strategies, but when it becomes a substitute for the power of God, then it becomes an idol that must be brought down. Our challenge is not to fathom a new way to do things but to pursue God`s heart with greater passion and to simply experience him. For out of our daily experiences with him fire will be ignited and a dry world can never be indifferent to a heart ablaze, for it will be purified or consumed bur never indifferent.