Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlist icon once the video is playing and selecting one of the video segments shown.
Mark Greene suggests the ministry of full-time Christian workers has limited the church’s impact. By perpetuating the distinction between secular and sacred, disciples are not prepared to minister in the places where most people live.
Jerry White argues that work is a major commandment in creation–that everyone has a calling to the workplace and that ministry should take place there.
Timothy Liu challenges the church to see God’s large plan to build a people who are a blessing to the nations. He asks ’What would the workplace look like if God would have his way’ and calls for humility rather misguided fervour in reaching the world.
Mats Tunehag examines what factors determine the success or failure of business as mission. He argues that it’s important to remember our objective and refuse to compromise on professionalism, excellence and integrity.