What we cannot accomplish, Children will make it happen soon. All around the world the Spirit of God is moving among His little ones, building them to become the Church of this century. For decades most of the investment in evangelism was made toward different groups of adult. Children became the Great Omission. The result is that more than half of the world population is not yet Christians. More than two third of the world are in desperate situation.

God warned us thousands of years ago that we must become like children to inherit His Kingdom. In another word, Children are the tangible representation of the Kingdom of God. Through children we can learn all the Kingdom principle.

For many years, children ministry was just resumed as bringing them to the Lord and making them wait in the churches until they become adults. Actually they are the church. They must actively take responsibility in the church and bring transformation in their community as leaders.

That is what we are striving to do in our country. We select about 100 children in each of the 20 regions. That makes 2,200 children to be enrolled in holistic education for three years. The synergy of all churches and organization in each region will bring up a new generation of leaders: healthy, strong, clever, honest, responsible, loving their friends, loving nature, loving their Bible and leading prayer.

At the end of the three years training they will take 10 other children each year and will coach them in their walk in life. By doing so, in five years , we will have 250,000 agent of change in the community, which we are not able to do in 50 years as adult.


I attended many leadership seminars and trainings in some place of the world and what I can say is that I met too many leaders but I saw so few leadership. The fact is that leadership becomes the science of making maximum use of the potential of human being to serve one cause.

Leadership must begin in early ages, before the age of twelve. The group of age ,that Jesus refers to when He explain that we must learn from children to enter the Kingdom of God. In another word He stated that children reflect the values of the Kingdom. One of these is humility, which lacks to the majority of so called leaders. As far as servant leadership is Jesus’ model we must go down and lead from our knees. That is what children do. They are keen to be very influential and effective in anything they do. We must rise up a new generation of leaders, who are under the age of twelve.

Is there enough material available to make the little ones the leader of today’s church?