Could you share a story with us?
There are approximately 2 billion children in the world today and the challenges they face are staggering. But the body of Christ, it seems, needs to be both encouraged and equipped in responding to this challenge. Those who work regularly with children in families, churches, agencies, mission work or partnerships, have noticed some spectacularly encouraging signs of God at work amongst children… particularly over recent years. There are signs of God ‘on the move’ all over the world and we’d love to share the stories. We want them to encourage you and also to give you ideas about the sorts of practical actions that are needed if we, God’s family, are going to seriously prioritise children. Here’s a taste:
TODAY in Uganda a young man influences a new generation of young leaders because when he was 9, and first walked into a church, an older woman smiled at him and asked him to play the drums. He went back every week and played the drums.
… sometimes it only takes a smile and a simple invitation for us to have a significant impact on the life of a child.
TODAY the Argentine Government is supporting a national initiative called “for an Argentina without violence”, because churches and church-support agencies have united across the continent to address the challenges faced by children and youth.
… sometimes cultural attitudes towards children can only be countered at the highest levels of government… but this is possible if the church understands the seriousness of this issue and we partner together in unity for the sake of children.
TODAY, also in Argentina, a rural pastor is finding his church suddenly populated with children who have arrived of their own accord and the Spirit’s leading.
… and even aside from any of our human endeavours, God’s love and care for children endures and by His Spirit He continues to draw all people, including children, to Himself.
We praise God for He is at work, and we would love your help to tell this story.
Could you share an encouraging and practical ‘TODAY’ story with us? What is God doing in the life of one child (or many!) in your part of the world?