Does your life make a difference? What can we learn about being on Mission with God from the second letter to Timothy?
Starting with verse three Paul declared that he never ceased to pray for his close associates & friends. As a matter of fact he made it a priority in his life. (What are our priorities? How is our knee life?)
The elder disciple only remembered the younger man’s best qualities, such as his faithfulness. He was such an encourager. He told Timothy of his confidence in him and how he would prove to be a worthy witness for Christ in the years ahead. (How often do we encourage others?)
Paul reminded Timothy how fortunate he was to have a life full of both family and Godly examples of Christ-likeness. What about those we disciple who do not have such a strong family heritage? How are we at developing a family atmosphere among believers? (How do we stand in the gap as family and Godly examples?)
He further encouraged him to stand strong in both personal and spiritual strength. He told him not to fear or be ashamed to be a witness for Christ. For there is nothing Satan or the world could throw at Christ’s followers that the power of the almighty can’t handle. (How are we at motivating the troops?)
Paul makes his next point clear, pass on what you know! What you know to be true cannot be kept to oneself. Share what you know with faithful, authentic, truthful individuals who can pass on what they have learned. (What has happened to the art of disciple making?)
One thing Paul says, in order to lead someone we must live a life worthy to be followed. Such a life reflects honor, character, Godly knowledge, and wisdom. This would include living a Godly lifestyle such as: enduring hardships, being patience, not getting into questionable relationships, associations or situations. It would also include being quick to resolve conflicts when circumstances happen around us and helping others, to name a few. (How is our personal life holding up?)
Paul goes on to warn Timothy of unscrupulous individuals who would try to use the trappings of godliness and things of God for their own purposes. Stay away from them he declares. (Have we warned our young charges enough?)
The question is not what are we doing in ministry. The questions is, does our life or ministry make a difference in the lives of others?