Leaders generally seem to feel confident in their leadership abilities when they see subordinates carrying out their instructions without error or backlash. However, I see an important element missing in that assessment. To me, leaders are only true leaders once they have been able to replicate themselves.
The gift of leadership is one that any wish they had, yet few people can really operate long-term in a leadership capacity. With such little mentorship available and few capable people to lead, doesn’t it make sense to invest your time and energy into someone else who can do what you do? If not for the sake of taking over once you move on need a break, do it for the sake of equipping someone to lead elsewhere.
Leaders must quit thinking about creating followers and start thinking more of leading others to become leaders. Seek those around you that exhibit a sense of leadership and rather than keeping them under you, raise them up alongside you and prepare them to lead others. The world needs more capable and prepared leaders. What are you doing to make this happen?