I was inspired to write the attached article after reading global conversations especially on Prosperity Theology. As I explain, I believe the prosperity message is merely a symptom to a much graver problem that the global church needs to interpret and prepare for ministry, especially for two-thirds world contexts. The challenge I refer to is Neo-Pentecostalism, or third-wave Pentecostalism, which I also define. I do not set out in the article to criticize my Pentecostal or charismatic brethren, to the contrary. I believe most of them, and specifically those in the LM, would agree with me that this global movement is worrisome and does not reflect who they are and for what they stand.
After presenting my case, I call on my brethren within the LM to consider a working group to draft an occasional paper that addresses, both in truth and compassion, this movement and give orientation to the global church on how to minister to potential, current, and former adherents.