Today is July 1, Canada Day! So, Happy Canada Day to all of my Canadian brothers and sisters. Over the past several years, I have found myself traveling everywhere from Newfoundland to Vancouver–and nearly ended up in Nunavut…. Needless, to say, I’ve had many-o-cup of Tim Horton’s coffee. In fact, as I write this post, I have to admit I wish I had a Canadian Maple donut from Tim’s, but they are not as ubiquitous in Kentucky as they are in Canada.
In this post, I want to provide you with a glimpse of evangelical concentrations in certain urban Canadian contexts. While Canada has about 33 million people, it is the second-largest country in the world, geographically speaking. Most of its population resides within a 200-300 mile stretch of the Canadian-US border. A great deal of the country is urban, and 20% of the country is non-Canadian born.
It is difficult to obtain accurate statistics on evangelicals in Canada.
Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk in Operation World: 21st Century Edition notes that Evangelicals comprised 10.8% of the Canadian population in 2000 (updated and revised edition, 2005, pg 144). Rick Hiemstra, with the Center for Research on Canadian Evangelicalism, estimates the average evangelical percentage across the provinces being 12%, with Quebec consisting of 2-3%.
The following table provides us with a glimpse into the Canadian urban world (special appreciation goes to Outreach Canada for the data):
Metro Area Province Evangelical Church to Population Ratio
Quebec City, Quebec 1:23,331
Saguenay, Quebec 1:21,733
Trois-Rivieres, Quebec 1:9508
Montreal, Quebec 1:8688
Sherbrooke, Quebec 1:8668
St. John’s, Newfoundland 1:6718
Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario 1:6129
Oshawa, Ontario 1:5381
Toronto, Ontario 1:5229
Great Sudbury, Ontario 1:4764
Calgary, Alberta 1:3818
Windsor, Ontario 1:3773
Victoria, British Columbia 1:3674
Hamilton, Ontario 1:3654
Kingston, Ontario 1:3604
Halifax, Nova Scotia 1:3539
Edmonton, Alberta 1:3420
London, Ontario 1:3351
Vancouver, British Columbia 1:3269
Thunder Bay, Ontario 1:3214
Winnipeg, Manitoba 1:3169
Regina, Saskatchewan 1:3148
St. Catherine’s-Niagara, Ontario 1:2390
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 1:2331
St. John, New Brunswick 1:2099
Of course, these stats. do not provide us a glimpse into the various people groups and population segments of the country. What are your thoughts on Quebec?
If you are interested in seeing my full discussion on this topic, please check out my blog HERE.