Jesus’ Strategy to Equip His Disciples[i]
Jesus called the disciples in order that he could equip them to transform the world through His message of salvation. “Jesus was calling people to forsake the normal obligations of family and work in order to follow Him and support His mission.”[ii] The strategic plan of Jesus to prepare His disciples involved his working closely with them. The disciples learned by example. Jesus’ approach was personal and He spent a lot of time teaching them. Robert Coleman in his book, The Master Plan of Evangelism, describes eight principles that Jesus implements during His training of the twelve: selection (Lk 6:13), association (Matt. 28:20), consecration (Matt 11:29), impartation (John. 20:22), demonstration (John. 13:15), delegation (Matt 4:19), supervision (Mark. 8:17), and reproduction (John. 15:16).[iii] Jesus was diligent and effective in His training, and He took the responsibility of preparing the ones who later would carry on His legacy and ministry seriously.
The preparation of the twelve was relevant, and Jesus spent most of His time sharing and teaching them. There are three elements that Jesus followed in his efforts to equip His disciples: (1) Christ, a perfect example for His disciples, lived what he preached. He lived as God would live among men; (2) His purpose was clear He intended to save the people for Himself and to build a faithful church that would never pass away. His heart is for the families of the earth. He did not make any distinctions among people; (3) He planned the strategy to win. Jesus’ purpose was to redeem God’s creation so that they could glorify His Father. Jesus lived, died, and rose again according to God’s will. The whole plan of salvation was motivated by God’s love for the universe.
How Jesus Equipped His Disciples
For three years, the disciples experienced the best practical training that has ever been provided. Their Master was a mentor and teacher and the teaching sessions took place on a daily basis. The balance between theory and practice was significant. Christ’s strategy to prepare and equip His disciples includes the following aspects: praying, teaching the Scriptures, focusing on salvation, imparting spontaneously, training continuously, and searching for the core principles.
[i] Excerpts from “Cuartas, Victor H. Empowering Hispanic Leaders: An Online Model. Forth Worth: TX, Church Starting Network, 2009. ISBN/EAN13: 0982087551 / 9780982087558
[ii] William C. Spohn, Go and Do Likewise (New York: Continuum, 1999), 130.
[iii] Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism (Old Tappan:, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1964).