John Stott has espoused for many years what has become known as the Langham Logic ( It is based on three convictions that can be demonstrated from the Bible:
- God wants his church to grow up in maturity (not just in numbers).
- The church grows through God’s word.
- The word of God comes to people primarily through preaching.
So, if we are concerned for the maturity and mission of the church around the world, and if the above three convictions are true, then the logical question to ask is:
- What can we do to raise the standards of biblical preaching?
We in Crosslinks ( have been following in the footsteps of others such as Langham Partnerships (, The Philip Project (, the Proclamation Trust ( and others, in developing a programme that aims to see developed indigenous movements of faithful, clear and relevant Bible exposition around the world. The need is clear and almost universal.
Whilst there are differences of emphasis the basic ingredients are mainly:
- 4-5 day seminars
- Model expositions
- Plenary teaching on how to get from Bible text to sermon.
- Individual and group study of specific passages followed by feedback.
- Expositions focussing on the life of the preacher.
Under God these programmes have grown and spread in different parts of the world and we are attempting to co-ordinate the efforts of different groups. It is likely that there are others with these same convictions and aims and Cape Town 2010 may provide an opportunity for wider networking and mutual edification.
I would be interested in beginning a conversation related to this aim (developing indigenous movements of faithful, clear and relevant Bible exposition worldwide) to identify and learn from others engaged in this vital task