I’m working in India with a denomination started among the Dalit people. Many from the village and tribal areas have started churches where they have no music leadership and the pastors serve as the surrogate worship leaders. Most of the singing is accompanied by one or two drummers. In a worship seminar that included 75 of these pastors I discovered that only a handful of them would be open to learn guitar or harmonium even if an instrument was gifted to them. They are bivocational and would not have the time to learn to play an instrument. This means having unaccompanied singing in their churches. In my role as international music coordinator/consultant for OM I have an interest to see music become part of these Dalit churches. The perceived need does not yet exist among most of them to add music at this stage. I’m trying to discern if there is some action I should take to encourage indigenous music expressions to become part of their times of singing.