Only when we let God deeply question us can we become future-ready, fit for every good work. Here are 15 “provocations from the future” that I’ve begun to use with leaders.
Mark the top 4 “provocations” that you feel will most shape faith communities by 2020, whether for good or bad, and then discuss your selection with a partner.
___1. VUCA world: Will people turn to more religion for stabilization, in view of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA)?
___2. Extreme Climate: Will the adverse impacts on society from climate change and its proposed solutions unite nations or re-ignite culture wars?
___3. Rich – Poor Gap: Will media images of global economic difference continue to foster social unrest, or will religion find innovative ways to level the playing field?
___4. Personal Empowerment: Will religions attract or repel engaged consumers, those who focus on self-empowerment, self-organization and personalization?
___5. Grassroots Economics: Will congregations be enriched or threatened by bottom-up consumer control expressed through vehicles like E-Bay, Craig’s List or MeetUp?
___6. Smart Networking: Will pervasive Internet connectivity create hybrid churches of smart mobs that form community focused on spiritual formation and social mission?
___7. Polarizing Extremes: Will moderating forces within religion be able to engage self-righteous groups in their midst, and temper their narrow points of view?
___8. Integrated Spirituality: Will thinking religions and developmental psychology find a way to integrate faith & reason, belief & doubt, science & religion in a turbulent world?
___9. Health Insecurity: Will congregations address the health care crisis with mutual exchanges and faith-based solutions to close the gap between the healthy & unhealthy?
___10. Body Hacking: Will religions embrace or chase away the ’enhanced’-those who make informed choices regarding their body’s repair, augmentation & extension?
___11. Boomers Reinvent Aging: Will congregations meet the rising needs of aging Boomers, while Boomers themselves work longer & postpone retirement?
___12. Digital Youth: Will congregations be able to accommodate themselves to digital natives, or multi-tasking emerging generations?
___13. Urban Wilderness: Will religions engage swelling ethnic populations in massive urban centers, which face infrastructure strain, unemployment, and public health crises?
___14. Digital Physical Blend: Will people be able to maintain their spiritual identity (maybe serenity) in the face of ’always-on’ digital lifestyles?
___15. Dilemmas of Difference: Will clergy and laity engage others outside their own religious tradition, or just listen more exclusively to those within whom they agree.