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The Almanac of American Philanthropy
Philanthropy in America is a giant undertaking—every year, more than $360 billion is handed by individuals, foundations, and businesses to a riot of good causes. Rates of giving are two to 20 times higher in the U.S. than in comparableRead more…
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2015
Corporate Responsibility Magazine (the new name of CRO Magazine) announces its 11th annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens List, known as the world’s top corporate responsibility ranking based on publicly-available information and recognized by PR Week as one of America’s topRead more…
Wealth-X index show ultra-rich philanthropy on increase
The UK’s wealthiest people are some of the top givers globally, according to a report on ultra-wealthyphilanthropy by Wealth-X. Wealth-X records more than 211,000 ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals globally with at least US$30 million in net assets, and theRead more…
Facts and Figures – Public’s Favourite Causes
There are over 160,000 charities in the UK1, benefiting a wide range of causes from hospices to international development. We explore facts and figures to try and determine which of these causes appeal most to the general public, but findRead more…
Volunteerism Rate Inches Downward to New Low
Adults in the United States volunteered in 2014 at the lowest rate since the federal government began collecting such data 13 years ago. One in four Americans, or 25.3 percent, volunteered with an organization last year, according toRead more…
Major Donors Want to Give More Than NGOs Expect
Good news for major gift fundraisers: major donors feel (way) more engaged than NGOs think. Apart from giving money, major donors want to invest their time in, and share their network with, NGOs. Also, the group of (prospective) major donorsRead more…
How enterprising are social enterprises?
Social Enterprise UK’s State of Social Enterprise Report 2015 presents a pretty cheerful picture. According to the report, half of the UK’s social enterprises are making a profit (though this has dropped slightly since 2013 when it was 55 per cent) andRead more…
EFA report reveals Europe-wide optimism in voluntary income growth
Fundraising associations across Europe are optimistic about voluntary income growth, according toresearch from the European Fundraising Association (EFA). The report, Fundraising in Europe 2015, questioned fundraising associations in 16 European countries, The majority of the associations surveyed reported that voluntary income rose (eight) orRead more…
U.S. Foundation Funding for Africa: 2015 Edition
U.S. foundations made grants totaling nearly $1.5 billion focused on Africa in 2012. This represented 25 percent of foundations’ international giving, up from 14 percent in 2002. Produced by Foundation Center in cooperation with Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group, this first-everRead more…