Note de l’éditeur : Cette communication préliminaire du Cap 2010 a été écrite par Daniel Bourdanné pour servir de synthèse du sujet qui sera discuté lors de la session multiplexe sur « La pauvreté, la prospérité et l’Évangile ». Vos réponsesRead more…
Understanding and Responding to the Prosperity Gospel in Africa
Because this article (5,600 words, in word) is still looking for a publisher, I cannot paste it here. Please email me at [email protected] for a copy. Here is the introduction only: The prosperity Gospel is widely considered to beRead more…
Standing on the Promises of God: The Problem of Loose Ends
God seems to specialize in clear beginnings, full of the promise of prosperity, and moves us through uncertain journeys towards an ending, full of mystery. There is a very definite pattern in scripture of promises, full of promise, never quiteRead more…
danger of a hidden prosperity gospel
While reading through articles and commentaries regarding the so called “gospel of prosperity” I recognize 2 different reactions in my heart: – yes, a “prosperity gospel” is dangerous and wrong. It´s misleading trustful children of God and our congress shouldRead more…
A Counterpoint to the Prosperity Gospel: God in the Midst of Ruins
I was telling some friends about a prayer said at our wedding. It was not your usual prayer asking for God’s Blessing: May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that you may liveRead more…
Reflections on the Hermeneutics and Practice of the Prosperity Gospel
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Femi Adeleye as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Poverty, Prosperity and the Gospel.” Responses to this paper through the LausanneRead more…
Short-term or long-term mission to Africa?
More and more of ’mission’ activities seem to work in favour of providing young (and older) people with short-term exposure. But short-termers can cheapen the mission task. We don’t have short-term pastors, we don’t have short-term Bible college lecturers, andRead more…
From ‘Calvary Road’ to ‘Harvesters International’: An African Perspective on the Cross and Gospel of Prosperity
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Poverty, Prosperity and the Gospel.” Responses to this paper through theRead more…
Good news?
So, I assume if we’re in this conversation we’re mostly in agreement regarding the maladies of the Prosperity un-Gospel. Can we share experiences of antidotes, examples of Christian groups, churches, movements, that are countering the trend, living in ways thatRead more…
Prosperity Gospel: Another unsatisfying fad?
Cole Moreton in his amusing book ‘Is God Still an Englishman’ (I’m sorry about the title but he makes some universal observations so bear with me!) charts the course of Christianity in Britain with special relevance to the Anglican churchRead more…