About Prosperity Gospel

I had been reading your article….I think so es an necessary overview about the prosperity gospel and the dangerous of them self.

1 in 10 Australians Now Live in Poverty

Today, October 19, 2010, an article (http://bit.ly/deOGHo) was published in Christian Today citing a report released on Monday from the Salvation Army (http://bit.ly/cgrnPQ), noting that 1 in 10 (2 million) Australians now live in poverty.  Other findings include: 70% ofRead more…


Hecho en falta el evangelismo hacia los presos y enfermos.

The Pathway to my Office

Everyday I walk to work. My pathway, rough and dirty, takes me past a cemetery, across a field, alongside the morgue, until I reach my office. At every step along the way, death marks my journey. This is somewhat startlingRead more…

Evangelism in Indonesia

Evangelism problem in Indonesia is increasingly complex, one of which is the law of new building for Christian worship must reach 100 adults. Therefore, creating a small Christian fellowship is very strategic to form a new Christian community.But because ofRead more…

Clean Water, the Church and the Great Commandment?

I sense a growing interest among the Church to find new ways to integrate both sides of the “Gospel Coin”—the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.  New wineskins are developing as the church, para-church, government and non-profit worlds look forRead more…

Reconciliation Across Social Class

One of the most common topics in the Bible is God’s compassion for the poor. In the Old Testament almost every time Israel left God, they were rebuked for two things: serving idols and mistreating the poor. Jesus also clearlyRead more…