Food security is generally not seen readily as either an issue that determines response to the gospel or one that determines the health of a community. However, both health and response to the gospel have strong relations to food security. Read more…
Case Study from Bangalore – Lausanne Global Leadership Forum
Vinay Samuel tells the story of their family’s move to the slums of Bangalore in 1983 and the transformative, holistic ministry his wife Colleen and he have been doing for several decades. He shares about the impact of sitting, seeing,Read more…
Luke’s Poor: an African reality from a Kenyan perspective
I. Can we define Poverty? The word poverty draws attention from many quarters due to the concerns it has attracted in today’s world. John Shao during a Keynote address noted ‘poverty in Africa as a reality with which we liveRead more…
Business as Mission from Asian, African, and Latin American perspectives
There are an increasing number of publications (books, articles, papers) on Business as Mission, BAM. Many are authored by Westerners from a Western perspective and these contributions are good and helpful. But it is not a fair reflection of theRead more…
Global Shortfall of 1.8 Billion Jobs: How should we respond?
There is a global shortfall of about 1.8 billion good formal jobs, according to Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup.* That is nearly a quarter of the world’s population. Many people live in the insecure informal job sector, which often isRead more…
Los Pobres, las Autoridades y el Poder
“Levántate, recoge tu camilla y anda…” San Juan 5:8 Nos encontramos en la celebración de una fiesta de los judíos. Jesús se encuentra con un hombre inválido que llevaba enfermo treinta y ocho años. “Ya tenia mucho tiempo de estarRead more…
The Values, Mission, and Vision VMV of the Tent Makers Our Values are from the Word of God Jesus Christ who pitched[1] Himself as a Tent[2] to cover[3] and fill[4] us with Grace and Truth; therefore we areRead more…
Wealth, Poverty and Power – The Hole in our Gospel
The churches in the more prosperous northern hemisphere, in particular, need to return to the gospel of Christ. That gospel is not just about individual salvation, but a life transformation that results in compassion, service and a striving for justice.Read more…
Wealth, Poverty and Power – Active Involvement
Corina Villacorta asserts that as Jesus acknowledged the sorrow around him and acted in response to needs, so Christians must take an active role in government, society and organizations. We should fight against injustice, oppression and environmental degradation as we fightRead more…
Wealth, Poverty and Power – Empowerment
Dr Ravi Jayakaran suggests participatory learning is an effective way to support and empower poor communities to define and work on their own solutions to problems. Download Options PC users: Right click a link and choose “Save as” to downloadRead more…