I’m recruiting full-time volunteers!!Read more…
Goodnight Red Light
The world has forgotten the victims of trafficking, but God hasn’t.Read more…
The Remix
Check out what the young adults at BOSS are doing to change the world around them!Read more…
International Conference on Computing and Missions
The International Conference on Computing and Mission (ICCM) is an annual informal (NO ties allowed) gathering of women and men who have a common interest in computers and mission.Read more…
Stan Rowland’s Blog
Check out Stan Rowland’s blog titled “Stan the Urban CHE Guy”Read more…
At The End of Slavery Documentary
Saturday, November 14: Individuals, families, churches and community groups across the country will host house parties to share At the End of Slavery and begin the discussion of how we can come together to end slavery.Read more…
Beyond Partnership
Short Term Mission Trips, building relationships and church buildingsRead more…
Etz Menorah
The Menorah in the Jewish Temple was sustained by the oil of the olive tree.Read more…
Let the children come to Me…
One day when Jesus was story-telling His listeners brought their little children to Him so He could bless them.Read more…
Viva Palestina
A lifeline from the US to Gaza.Read more…