Bible Exposition: Dance ‘Reach’

A team of dancers pantomime the theme of Ephesians 2, illustrating that Christ has broken down the dividing wall of hostility. Choreography by the Cape Town 2010 Performing Arts Team; performed by JuliaBurnham, B’Jon Carter-Burnell, Jenny Vaughn Hall, Xolani Ncobeni;Read more…

Gospel Assembly in Lausanne, the third sector network of Global Dialogue Asia China Overseas Chinese Family Church Divine Communication Association “Song of a Wanderer” of Feng Bingcheng Pastor gather “scientific belief in life”

Gospel Assembly in Lausanne, the third sector network of Global Dialogue Asia China Overseas Chinese Family Church Divine Communication Association “Song of a Wanderer” of Feng Bingcheng Pastor gather “scientific belief in life”Mouse click to read the “Song of aRead more…

Gospel Assembly in Lausanne, the third sector network of Global Dialogue Asia China Yuan Zhiming overseas Chinese house church Association, editor of “other side” Trailer TV feature film “Divine” Yuan Zhiming

亚洲网络对话参与者神舟,中国海外交流协会中国家庭教会袁之明电视专题片等作品牧师<福音“电视专题片”神“链接;“袁之暝牧师收集”福音见证了电影“>拖车的另一边请点击点击进入”神舟“最好的版本 1 和 2

God’s Global Urban Mission – Solutions

Ninety percent of the Church is urban poor, but the Church is ill-equipped to truly hear their needs. The problem is not poverty but greed. The solution is not legislation but requires spiritual input. Download Options PC users: Right clickRead more…

God’s Global Urban Mission – Contextualization

Urban areas are fundamentally different than suburban and rural areas, but most churches are indigenous to non-urban areas. The gospel will reach urban areas only by churches that are contextualized for an urban environment and through citywide gospel movements. DownloadRead more…

God’s Global Urban Mission – Migrations

The church is not adequately prepared for the mass migrations to the cities that we are seeing today. The problems in urban areas cannot be solved by government but are an opportunity for the church to show that we areRead more…

Missiological discussion forum

A forum for discussing missiology from any Christian perspective. It is one way of continuing the Lausanne conversation, and sharing what one learned from the Lausanne Congress. There is a database of current and completed missiological research and many otherRead more…