Let us imagine a Westerner having interest in supporting Gospel work amongst a certain ‘poor’ non-western people. In my experience (in work in Africa), if you go to such people as a ‘western missionary’, but do not give things toRead more…
Learning – Is it ever complete?
On a very recent trip to provide training to a missionary team in Europe, I ran into, once again, the “ I know what is needed” scenario. The team leader didn’t want to come to the training because he hadRead more…
Comment aider de jeunes évangélistes à reconnaitre la volonté de Dieu ?
Bonjour, Je me rends compte que pour des jeunes évangélistes la question de la compréhension de la volonté de Dieu est une question primordiale ; quels dons le Seigneur m’a-t-il confié ? Quel ministère à l’avenir ? Le choix duRead more…
Lifetime commitment and loyalty to God
Commitment is also known as devotion,loyalty and faithfulness to God
Facebook Response to John Wesley Quote
We recently posted this quote on Lausanne’s facebook with the following comments below:Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; suchRead more…
Contextualization as An All-Embracing Theme for Christianity: A Myanmar Christian Perspective[1] “By living, no – more – by dying and being damned to hell doth a man become a theologian, not by knowing, reading or speculation.” Martin Luther. “TheologyRead more…
We Have a Problem- But there is Hope
This paper highlighted a number of challenges in developing a Christ-centred leadership. It challenges especially those in position of leadership to mentor future leaders. Poor leadership can be attributed to a number of factors including didactic teaching style in mostRead more…
Local Leaders in the Global Church
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Paul Joshua Bhakiaraj as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Local Leaders in the Global Church.” Responses to this paper throughRead more…
Blindspots – Friend or Foe? We can all laugh about the emperor who led the public parade in the “altogether” because he failed to listen to an advisor who tried to point out his nakedness. But what about us? WhenRead more…
The Problem with Narcissism in Ministry
Click the link to read a post I wrote about my own struggle with narcissism, and what I observed in ministry in others who battled it.