Approachability: The Passport to Real Ministry and Leadership by Ken Sande, President of Peacemaker Ministries Craig was well-equipped for teaching God’s Word. He was committed to Christ, thoroughly educated, solid in his doctrine, well read, loved to study Scripture, andRead more…
Amnesty for corrupt leaders in Africa, Why not?
Amnesty for corrupt leadership in Africa sounds like let these “blood suckers’ of the poor in Africa off the hook scort free. On the contrary this is an attempt to use one of the Christian teachings which invites corrupt leadersRead more…
Interview with Carson Pue on Leadership Development
Guy Richards of interviews Dr. Carson Pue during a residential week of the Arrow Leadership Program
Gaining His Favor: God loves leaders too.
Gaining His Favor On many occasions, I have pointed leaders to the passage in the Bible where John the Baptist is baptizing Jesus. The heavens open and there is a spiritual happening with audio where God’s voice was heard toRead more…
Barriers To Godly Leadership
What are some of the most common barriers that keep leaders from finishing well. If we are aware now, we can be on the alert for the trap that is designed for us personally. In the Arrow Leadership Program, leadersRead more…
Insecurity breeds misleadership.
Insecurity breeds misleadership. Insecurity erodes confidence within leaders and makes it very difficult for them to lead others. Nevertheless, many Christian leaders are insecure. Insecurity is tied to the paranoia I spoke of earlier and is crippling too many leadersRead more…
Leader Formation Institute – Eastern Europe
Leader Formation Institute – Eastern Europe is the Leader Formation International (LFI) Antioch Center Strategic Initiative. In the first three years of LFI’s joint venture with the Antioch Center (2006-2008), we have conducted eleven pastors conferences in Romania and twoRead more…
Apostolic Instructions for Modern Church Leaders
Getting back to the original sources is an academic research principle I stress to my students over and over. Christian leadership has been refined and developed for 2000 years. We would be foolish to ignore all of that collective wisdom.Read more…
A Proposal about Books for Young Theologians
We have to be thankful to some of our fellow Christian leaders like John Piper, William Lane Craig and Ravi Zacharias and many more that generously offer their resource materials freely online. It is, indeed, one of our greatestRead more…
How to Build a New Generation of Christ-like Leaders ? Be part of the answer.
Thank you for the paper based on the survey results of 1000 leaders by Lausanne Leadership Development Working Group. This presentation comes with a short introductory note, under the heading “How to Build a New Generation of Christ-like Leaders.” ThisRead more…