Dr. Gnanakan introduces David Kidma from Papua, New Guinea, who speaks on the role of the Church in the care of the environment. Mr. Kidma describes how the Church in New Guinea has developed a handbook for individuals, churches andRead more…
Useful Bible passages for climate questions #1
There are many wonderful articles here about stewardship of God’s creation. So here’s an experiment to try something different. Can we pool our experience to provide Biblical answers to basic questions many Christians are asking? Please start with a BiblicalRead more…
While Creation Awaits Christ’s Return
Every day I walk, and nearly every day I find something I can pick up and toss out that keeps the environment a tiny bit cleaner. I recycle everything I can, and I reuse or donate everything I can. ChristiansRead more…
The Science of Global Climate Change. Facing the Issues. What are the Issues?
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by John Houghton as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “The Environmental Crisis, the Gospel and Christian Witness.” Responses to this paperRead more…
How Do You Pray about an Oil Spill?
Though the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now capped and the world has for the most part moved on, the issue of how we as Christians should respond to such situations remains. I wrote the following articleRead more…
Millennium Development Goal #7
I would like to invite us to begin the conversation on the environment using research and other existing material (MDG #7 & IFES Symposium on Faith and the Environment) as the foundation or platform for our discussions on this topicRead more…
‘All things’ means all things
The ‘Reflections of the Lausanne Theology Working Group 2010’ provide an excellent foundation for thinking biblically about our responsibility to care for God’s Creation: ’God has reconciled all things in heaven and earth to himself through the blood of hisRead more…
The Challenge Of Environmental Stewardship
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Las Newman and Ken Gnanakan as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “The Environmental Crisis, the Gospel and Christian Witness.” ResponsesRead more…