This presentation was given at the Lausanne Global Leadership Forum in Bangalore, India in June 2013. Learn more at
Developing Safe Environment for Learning and Transformation
One of the goals of the Cities Affinity Group is to create a safe environment for genuine, meaningful dialogue. Developing Safe Environments for Learning and Transformation, an article by Gregg Detwiler, Director of Intercultural Ministries, Emmanuel Gospel Center, is aRead more…
Lessons in Gambia
Lessons in Gambia “God is pursuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshipers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the supremacy of His name among theRead more…
Descrentes dos crentes: a igreja sem credibilidade no mundo
Descrentes dos crentes: a igreja sem credibilidade no mundo. Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar e estudar o assunto, dentro de uma cosmovisão reformada. Não pretendemos aqui esgotar o assunto em sua inteireza, pois o mesmo é amplo, oRead more…
A Case of a Transformational Urban Mission
A Case on Transformational Urban Mission: The Community Development Program of the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church[1] Increasing urbanization presents a major issue of concern in Ethiopia, given the rapid urbanization taking place it its major urban centers such asRead more…
Outward-facing, life-affirming and well-informed: only the best will serve our cities
The strategic power and potential of cities was clearly demonstrated by Paul’s strategy of focusing on urban evangelism in his journey from to Athens, to Corinth, to Ephesus, to Rome. This is part of the longer biblical journey from theRead more…
Urban Mission: Empathy and Evangelism Must Go Hand in Hand
Our church hosts an interdenominational soup kitchen (because of our location in the city centre). We take it in turns to provide the volunteers and the soups. It was our turn. Picture this…. It is winter and one of the coldestRead more…
The “Corporate” Image of Church: A High Powered Enterprise
Most contemporary churches today are becoming more and more like high-powered business enterprises. Business and corporate styles are being applied to church leadership, structures and strategies. These make-overs has given the church a “corporate” image, where a lot of pragmatismRead more…