Those who step into leadership of an inter-organizational network or partnership assume a high task. Whether serving on a network’s council or steering committee or its leadership team, whatever the terminology, these leaders are called to help God’s people workRead more…
Communicating In Context
“Without their singing, I don’t know how they would ever get married.” Sounds strange? Not to a person serving one group in Asia where their singing is a key component of communicating history, and traditions, as well as manyRead more…
Are You a Network Owner or a Network Steward?
Those who step into leadership of an inter-organizational network or partnership assume a high task. Whether serving on a network’s council or steering committee or its leadership team, whatever the terminology, these leaders are called to help God’s people workRead more…
“A los pobres siempre los tendrán con ustedes,…”
“A los pobres siempre los tendrán con ustedes,…” MC. 14:7 ¿Qué es lo primero que nos viene a la mente cuando escuchamos estas palabras?, ¿En que contexto o situación particular se suelen usar?, ¿Qué significado tiene para nosotros?, ¿Cómo explicamosRead more…
Centre for the Study of Bible and Mission
I’m really pleased to be able to join this global conversation. We have launched a new initiative at Redcliffe College called the Centre for the Study of Bible and Mission. Based at Redcliffe College, the Centre aims to serve theRead more…
¿Y todavía no entienden?
Transformación: El modelo de Jesús “Tengan cuidado, ¡Ojo con la levadura de los fariseos y la de Herodes!… ¿Por qué están hablando de que no tienen pan? ¿Todavía no ven ni entienden? ¿Tienen la mente embotada? ¿Acaso no recuerdan? CuandoRead more…
The occidental missions (English & Spanish)
The occidental missions and their roll in the third millennium “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” Php. 3:17 The roll the occidental missions willRead more…
Down to Earth:Intro to Lausanne Radio Conversation
With the “Down to Earth” radio series we want to stimulate discussion around the CT2010 themes on the continent of Africa. Please listen in and respond to this programme!
Personal Reflections – Jos Crisis, Nigeria
As a native, My heart has been very heavy as i continually follow the devastating news of what is happening in my home country, Nigeria, and in my town of birth, Jos. The Muslims and Christians have been at warRead more…
Truth and Secularity
Just a brief response to Stuart’s article on truth and secularity. You suggest that the movement toward secularization that has been underway for about 150 years continues unabated and is taken up by postmodern descendants. I am not sure thatRead more…