I was very excited to read the Cape Town Statement. I said to my self, the evangelical prodigal child is now arriving to her theological home now that love has been acknowledged as the theological norm for all aspect of human life. It is wonderful to note that there is a convergence that is taking place on this point of love. Pope Benedict’s first encyclical was on this based on 1Corinthians 13:13; most psychiatrists are writng on love, so too recent buddhist writings. Love is no longer teated as a sentimental feeling, a passing emotion, and only relegated to ethics and in that to section on marriage. Pop music and culture have sung about it and longed for it, but with a wrong understanding and confining it to feelings and humanity as its source. now the challenge is to understand the realit of this cosmic love of God and centred in Christ, that is, understanding love as both an ontological as well as an epistemological principle that huamnizes our being and our knowledge and activities. To that end, i have developed this dictum: “To be is to live, to live is to love, to love is to know, to know is to do, to do is to serve, to serve is to be community is communion, to be community in relation is to be free, to be free is to be responsible to be responsible is to be wise, and to be wise is to fear the Lord.” To love is to be in mission.