Most lchurch & mission leaders are coming from a typical seminary training. I see the need to much more apply Paul’s model for training young men and women through learning by doing. Theoretical reflection needs to be learned – but in the protected bubble of a classroom we might discuss issues nobody outside our little Christian world is bothering. That is why we need people really involved in challenging the future batch in practical work as well. Real leaders are being accepted not because the have earned a degree or due to a positon in office. Real leaders are convincig by giving an example which automatically invites others to follow. Real leaders talk about issues which matter to live. I feel in our training classes/seminaries we need to make experience outside our protected training camps such must to get an equal positon to the formal education part. Accompanied by an experienced leader future leaders can walk step by step and learn for life. Not many experienced leaders ready to do so. Don’t get me wrong – Degrees are part of live in our present world. But we need future leaders who apart from their formal education have experienced humbleness and courage in such a way, that they want to follow that road.