We asked the Lausanne Facebook Community to share thoughts on questions that were not being asked in relation to global evangelism. Here was the input that came in:
Lorena Alvarez Are we an example of a UNIFIED family that can lead the WORLD in LOVE, are we ready for a GLOBAL evangelism that will not increase our disagreements on who’s congregation should the people go or which denomination is right or wrong? Are we really searching for the increasing of HIS KINGDOM or looking for the benefit of our own agendas?
Lutz Ackermann will we find valid and meaningfull ways of spelling out the age-old gospel message in this our post-modern age in a way that makes sense? Some have at least tried it (like Rob Bell or Brian McLaren) – can anyone do even better?
Jay Gary Did the historical Jesus and Paul envision an end-time harvest through evangelism beyond the collapse of Second Temple Judaism?
Jim Hessenthaler How does the use of media fit in to our plan to reach the world for Christ.
Jim Hessenthaler How can we best present the gospel of Christ to an oral culture Flannel graph would seem to be an effective tool in Third and fourth world countries particularly with children..
Becky Banks Douglass How can we better pass on the vision for mission to our children? Not just in the West, but throughout the world. And not just for a short-term adventure, but a life-long calling?
Lex Loizides Clearly, the power of the Holy Spirit in evangelism was the key in the NT and has been throughout church history. One question might be: ’How will that be discussed during Lausanne 2010?’
Jörg Dechert Do we need goals for evangelism? There was once a goal to evangelize “the world world within our generation”. What about goals today? Good? Bad? Ugly? Do we need any at all?