A friend just emailed me, “I ran across a video yesterday where someone asked John Piper, “Why do we need more people praying? Does more mean God is more likely to answer?” His response was that when more people pray, more people praise God.”
In reading about church planting movements among the least-reached peoples, we learn that abundance of prayer is foundational to these movements. This is prayer by the workers and for the workers and the unreached people groups.
Jesus told us that unless we abide in Him, we can do nothing…seems to indicate the importance, the primacy of prayer in our efforts.
The AD2000 and Beyond Movement in the 1990’s emphasized prayer and prayer journeys to unreached people groups. Much was accomplished, yet much still remains to be done.
What do you believe is yet lacking when we think of prayer? What is needed in terms of prayer to see the last remaining groups reached with the gospel and experiencing the transformation that should come as a result?