Generosity videos, articles and devotionals on the Internet

The Internet makes it today possible to access videos, articles, electronic books, devotionals and other material very easily. Most generosity ministries mentioned in the information list on the 25th of July (Wednesday) have very extensive generosity resources that can be downloaded from their websites. In addition there excellent resources that can be accessed from other websites, including linked to books and publications. This is a list of those resources. The Generous Giving Library is especially worth visiting. And the Stewardship videos, and the Lausanne Standards website, and the Panaphur publications. Actually all of these websites.

There are so many resources on the Internet available that I literally list only what I think are the most important once. Just type Christian giving, Christian generosity, Christian stewardship, Christian generous, Christian money, Christian funding, or any related word into an Internet search engine the multitude of generosity related resources on the Internet will become very quickly clear.

I hope the following list will at least be a starting point to find resources for preaching, teaching, seminars, discussions, research or any other kind of usage where generosity related resources are needed.

  • The Generosity Declaration ( generosity commitment drafted by the Lausanne Movement/World Evangelical Alliance Global Generosity Network. Christian bodies and individuals can sign the Declaration as their commitment to a generous lifestyle. The Global Generosity Network Affirmations ( is a summary of Biblical generosity principles as agreed upon by the Global Generosity Network
  • The Lausanne Standards ( are affirmations and agreements on the giving and receiving of money in mission. Ministries and donors can show that they adhere to the Standards by adding the Lausanne Standards badge to their website. The Lausanne Standards video was one of the most popular during the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation in Cape Town 2010. Watch it – it is very good!
  • ‘Life is a Gift’, ‘Grace of Giving’ and ‘Handful of Rice’ ( are 3 videos from the US, Uganda and India that look at generosity as a life of giving, as transforming communities and as supporting mission.
  • The Generositymovement website has various generosity resources and links to resources (
  • Various generosity teaching videos are available through the Generous Church website (
  • The Generous Giving Library ( is the best place to find generosity related articles, sermons and teaching material.
  • The Maclellan foundation developed and supported the development of various generosity related resources (
  • GenerousLife ( is a website developed by Dr Brian Kluth with various resources related to his 30 and 40 Day Generosity Devotionals that facilitates increased Biblically based giving.
  • The ‘40 Day Journey to a More Generous Life’, Bible Devotional by Dr Brian Kluth ( is having a tremendous impact in countries across the world. Subscribe to the daily devotional. It is excellent.
  • The short 1 minute films by Stewardship ( are excellent to use in sermons and teaching.
  • Tim Keller is a leading international speaker and author on generosity. His books and resources can be accessed through his website (
  • Eternal Perspectives Ministries ( is the official website of Randy Alcorn, the author of bestselling books such as The Treasure Principle and Managing God’s Money. These books and other resources are available from the website.
  • Revolution in Generosity ( is a website with resources linked to the book edited by Wesley Willmer.
  • Kingdom Life Publishing ( is the main communication website for Scott Rodin’s publications. Scott is one of the most prolific and respected authors on generosity. He also has a weekly blog that is sent to subscribers.
  • Panaphur Trust has a thought provoking video on the changing nature of charitable and mission stewardship, generosity and giving ( There are also 2 publications by James Perry ( that stimulate thinking in this area. Worth looking at!
  • Published in 2004 ‘Fundraising’ ( is a resource developed by Rachel Blackman of Tearfund in the UK. It looks at a biblical approach to fundraising and shows that, by planning fundraising, ministries can increase the impact they have.
  • Funding the Family Business ( and People Raising ( are websites based on the books of Myles Wilson and Bill Dillon that help Christians raise support for their ministry. Various training and other resources are available from the sites.

Dr. Sas Conradie is Coordinator of the Global Generosity Network

[email protected]