Finally, a breakthrough solution to unite and mobilize the body of Christ in a community and nationwide! Working with city reaching organizations, Meet The Need ( brings a Fortune 500 caliber solution to the world of local missions. Without Meet The Need, that world still lives in the 1980s – where needs are communicated and help is sought via pen, paper, phone calls and emails. Churches have
always struggled with how to process, filter, and communicate the vast array of needs inside and outside the church. Now for the first time, through Meet The Need churches can provide a “window” to the outside world, showing members live opportunities to
serve at their church, at local ministries or local families in ways that fit their skills and interests. And compassion ministries, who have always struggled with how to get the word out about their volunteer, resource and family needs, can now immediately broadcast them to a large number of churches, church members and the community
through Meet The Need. As a 501(c)3, Meet The Need gives this all away their heart is simply to see churches having a bigger impact in their communities and around the world by bridging the enormous process gaps that have hindered churches and ministries from collaborating. It’s time to unite and mobilize the body of Christ to bring help and hope to cities in a huge way – find out how that’s now possible with Meet The Need!