The children are not unreached

The disciples coming to Jesus and asking, who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? The other gospel writers provide greatest insight into the discussion. What the disiples really wanted to know was who among them would be the greatest in heaven? In response, Jesus called a little child, a paidion, to come and stand in their midst. I tell you the truth, unlesss you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. The contemporary church has often understood this verse to teach what great kingdom citizen character looks like- a child like faith, humble and meek and ever ready to believe in Jesus. But Jesus took the disciples beyond the questionsof character and greatness and challenged their theology of salvation and kingdom like. He made the child the reference point for: Conversion, change and become like little children if you want to enter the kingdom. Community, become like little children in order to exemplify kingdom life. Calamity, unless you change.. you will never center the kingdom of heaven. Using a redemptive hermeneutic, which wil be defined, this paper will seek to address this value by highlighting four key redemptive themes in the Old Testament in referendce to children. Children brought into the midst, children as martyrs of kingdom rejection. This paper will not be exhaustive. rather it is a preliminary paper, using wide brush strokes as a precursor to a full thesis on the The Tehological and Ethical Value of the child in the Bibe.The intent is a develop from such a study practical applications for the contemporary faith community. “Unless you Become as One of These: Biblical Perspectives on Children’s Spirituality.